2017년 07월 10일

자료실 (Reference)

대왕LED조명 모듈사진 및 LED모듈장점설명(첨부),DEAWANG SYSTEM - LED lighting module and LED modules Benefits Photo description (attached)

대왕 관리자
2017-07-24 20:21

1. Technical Description
1) The Company disclaims beneficial hayeoteum the domestic and international patents for the parallel LED lights below 12v.
In addition, we 5V / 10W (LED FPL tube one trillion people), 5V / 12W (LED fluorescent) We are working mainly for the production.
2) First, in order to reflect as much as possible the characteristics of a low-power low-voltage characteristic of an LED by employing a single 5V voltage for
LED 3.5V ~ 4.5 by using the driving voltage was provided to the environment to be the maximum of the light
Eupnida was designed with this treatment once the PCB to be used to cut to fit the length of each LED.
3) a long time near the LED 100,000 unique time due to heat generation due to the characteristic of the circuit is a low heat generation of heat
This operation is possible.
4) 5V single low voltage is also short-circuit and short-circuit when the effect of weak electrical spark iteupnida fire protection from overheating.
5) This system characteristics due to the low power consumption, maximum (12W) LED of high efficiency by adopting a reduction in the
The itneungeot and achieve the expression of light.

The input voltage is 5V, the output is 10W ~ 15w (LED fluorescent). If you want to increase the brightness of up to 50% electrifying section Iteupnida be reduced. (LED FPL tube output 5.0V input consumption 10W), respectively ballast included.
* Great LED fluorescent lamp is almost no heat generation of the LED 1 LED directly 개월간 fever is between 40 degrees to 45
COEX exhibition fair was demonstrated by the consumer during verification in the field for the self-heating
LED is a semiconductor section electrifying personality is no fever (70%) and long life (100,000 hours)
Maintained by fluorescent replacement period (3 months), competing LED fluorescent lamp (usually 5 years) is that our
General fluorescent lamps 40 to 10 years to replace our name and the same number of cost-effective LED 1 ity for the period

대왕시스템LED조명 특징및활용도사진.jpg Power-Saving LED_Eng ver..pptx
전체 151
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 추천 조회
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